We guide you in the proper compliance of obligations that various administrative laws (federal, state and local) establish on individuals in the development of their daily activities.

We address any requirement, administrative home visit inspection and verification, request for reports, imposition of fines and any action that the various activities implemented against companies or individuals derived from authorities such as:
- Secretariat of Economy.
- Federal Consumer Protection (PROFECO).
- Federal Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT).
- Secretariat of Energy.
- Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA).
- Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT).
- Secretariat of Healthcare.
- Secretariat of Labor and Social Prevision.
- Secretariat of Tourism.

We specialize in the attention of administrative responsibility procedures of public servants as well as the sanctions of suspension, disqualification and fine imposed on public officials by the Secretariat of Public Service (formerly Comptroller of the Federation).
In all these matters we implement defense mechanisms among which are administrative resources, nullity action lawsuit and amparo lawsuits.