Conoce a
Lic. Reginaldo Martín Esquer Félix

Law Degree from the Autonomous University of Baja California, Generation 1984 to 1987. Master’s Degree in Tax Law from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara. (1987 to 1989).
2003-2004 Former President of COPARMEX-MEXICALI.
2005-2006 Former President of the Business Coordinating Council of Mexicali.
2006 Obtained Professional Merit Award, granted by the Autonomous University of Baja California, for contributing to enhance the prestige of this Institution in an outstanding and exemplary manner in the area of Social Sciences.
2008-2014 Former President of the Board of Directors of the UABC FOUNDATION.
2013 Obtained a "BAJACALIFORNIANO DISTINGUISHED 2013" Medal awarded by the Constitutional Governor of the State of Baja California, for his work in Civil Society organizations.
Former President of the State Business Assembly of the Business Development Policy of the State of Baja California.
Member of the Economic Development Council of Mexicali (CDEM).
Member of the ANADE (Association of Business Attorneys-Baja California Section).
Member of the Fiscal Commission of the College of Accountants of Mexicali, A.C.
Former Professor of the Faculty of Law of Mexicali of the UABC.
Professor of Tax Master's Degree at the UABC and CETYS-UNIVERSITY.
Managing Partner of the Sánchez, Aguilar y Esquer, Company, S.C., offices in Mexicali and Tijuana, Baja California, and La Paz, Baja California Sur. Legal Firm specialized in Tax Matters.